
KanaNews part 1

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The Kanaliiga has kicked off this autumn with five games. Here's a brief overview of where to go in each game!


In CS, the last week of the regular season is about to start, so after this week, nine out of ten series levels will move to the next stage. 9th divar The regular season continues for another three weeks. At this stage, the best four of each group go to the upper bracket playoffs and the rest to the lower bracket, with the exception of the Masters and the 8th divari. Before this, of course, most of the teams have a rest week and then the actual playoff rounds begin, which are played in Bo3. Playoff schedules will be posted as soon as all games have been played.

Kanaliiga has started cooperation Esportal and thus CS:GO Esportal gathers are organized weekly on Sundays at 6 pm. You can join by queuing Channel League Discord on the csgo-esportal-gather audio channel!

PS. The chicken scramble is coming again! Registration for the chicken fight will start in the next few weeks. Check here.


Three weeks played.

In the Masters, there is a tight struggle between Securitas and SSAB for the dominance of both Pochin and the entire Masters. But the season is still so early that anyone can rise to challenge these two

Challengers are led by Frendy, who played in the Masters last season, with a clear point difference, but the lead is still closeable and almost anyone can fight for the supremacy of the challu from an even series.

2. in divar, vannetukku has taken the next team, Pinja. After two days of play, this series is even and anything can happen.

3. in divar, Rovio has won half of the maps played, playing a reasonable team game with its foursome. Is there still a challenger for Rovio for the rest of the season?

As usual, KanaTalk entertains us with its weekly broadcast. Watch last week's KanaTalk 22.


In the Masters, Reaktor is running around the others and has won all his matches so far. Do you remember Reaktor as challengers for the rest of the season, when the series has now only been played in 4 rounds out of 14?

The standings of the Challengers look much more even than the masters at this point and everything is open with UKKO.fiesta leading the way with a clean game.

2. on divar's side, three teams already have their own readings: Eficode, Don & Branco and Solita Nakkivene. Hopefully there will be challengers for them from other teams too!

Qcrass invaded the Rocket League side and explained his first match. Watch the matches!

Jasse "jazmanaut" Kesti, representative of Rocket League's main sponsor Valco this season, visited us for an interview. See the story behind the stolen name.


The Dota season has started with 7 teams and the series has now been played for a couple of weeks.

Dota is played at one league level this season, and there Reaktor and Mehiläinen share the top spot with their clean play. However, we can wait with excitement for their future encounter for a while longer.


Only the first game week is over and the three games played this week have been tight, for example the meeting between Kauppurimate5 and Etteplan ended in a draw. So the series seems to be flat for now.


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