
Year 2019 recap

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The year 2019 is starting to come to an end and it has been a really eventful year as far as Kanaliiga is concerned. At the end of 2018, we were still in the launch phase and we were thinking about how things should be organized so that players of all levels would get good matches. Series levels were born to meet this need, and now every player, whether an experienced conker or someone who has only played a little, has his own series. On the CS side, Tipuliiga was also launched, the target of which is those players who have never played the game much.

During the year, tournaments were organized in a total of seven different games, and the games were attended by around a couple of thousand players from several hundred companies. During the year, two CS finals were also organized in the Shelter Game Room and these LAN finals clearly brought a good feeling and the crowd was excited about them. Thanks to Codemate for the great sequels! In the summer, we also went to Assy as a group to play and smell the atmosphere.

We wouldn't have been able to do all this without many partners, and during the year we have continued active networking with both domestic and foreign operators. Next year, there will be a possibly Nordic atmosphere when the elite teams of other company leagues are challenged to a national match ;)

Planning for 2020 has also been done and organization has been thought about. The goal is to further improve tournaments and information, get more players and teams involved, organize new types of tournaments, include new games, organize your own LAN event, etc.

Kanaliiga has a group of enthusiastic activists who do it for the love of the sport, and without their dedication we wouldn't be able to run the series. Thank you all for a super great year!

If you are tempted to jump in to make the world's best corporate league, please get in touch. The attitude and desire to commit for a longer period of time is more important than the endless experience of esports.

The picture shows active participants in CS Season #3 finals and guest commentators & analysts. Note that a big gang is needed to make the event

Thanks to everyone for 2019! It was great, but not nearly as great as 2020 will be.

Happy New Year and in January we will continue with the familiar characters.

T: Founding members Kimmo "rainzz" Koski & Erkki "Ersiboguu" Mikkola

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