
7 days until CS Season #4 Finals! Introducing Codemate Esports

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The Kanaliiga CS Season #4 finals will be played on March 7. At Arkade Bar, Helsinki Kamppi! In the finals, a total of four diamond-hard gangs will be seen in two series, whose captains were interviewed by Kanaliiga's new communications manager Heikki "heizzah" Haahkala. Today, the captain of Codemate Esports, who plays in the Challengers series, Jussi-Tapio "kookoo35" Lamminheimo.

Tell me in your own words who you are

We are Codemate Esports. We are this tough cs gang that was born with Kanaliiga. In addition to the team, there are friends, colleagues and hard programmers!

Is this your first Kanaliiga season? If not, how many seasons have you played?

We have been involved from the very beginning! Season 1 faceit never forget. We have come a long way. :) Season 2 also got to raise the trophy for Shelter.

How would you describe the skill level of your team?

We have little if anything in the team. Fia is our launcher, delzic and Hlappa are overall really hard hitters, me (kookoo35) and Spjass are the not-so-hard ones. There are a few globals, one is Supreme and Spjass sails somewhere at that master Guardian level.

How are the roles divided in your team?

fiA =DD: CS God

kookoo35: IGL / Support

delzic: Rifler

Halpa: Entry / AWP

Spjass: Anchor / Tyämiäs

(BlenderMan: sub)

What do you think are your biggest strengths with the finals in mind?

If the enemy can't counter Fia, then we've won this game! But to be honest, we are overall a really strong team, but so is Netlight. Our similar actual strengths can be found at statistot.kanaliiga.fi and tommonen ku "enemies flashed". ;)

Is the opposing team nervous? What would you guess the outcome would be?

It's not exciting, it's more like we're looking forward to getting a little bit of revenge, in the playoffs, they really took a beating in the Winner bracket, precisely from Netlight. I tend to be anything but humble in interviews, so let's throw in this wild 2-0 win for Codemate. Folders 16-9 and 16-11.

Have you thought about future plans? Will you continue for the next season? Will there be player changes?

Will of course send to play and with the same configuration. The goal (again humbly) is to topple Elisa and win the Masters!

Are there teams/players from your company in other Kanaliiga games? If so, from where? Are there any coming?

Our guys have been playing PUBG in Kanaliiga since the very beginning, and as I recall, the first chicken dinner was a week ago. In addition, we have the skills for a League of Legends team, on the CS side we also play Tipuliiga and of course we have the company's internal NHL and FIFA tournaments running with continuous input.

How has esport corporate league activity been received in your company? Has it sparked interest, questions or other activity?

Codemate is undeniably the most esports-minded company in Finland, and we have a lot of e-athletes inside the house. The whole company has realized what a great sport this esport is, and this can be seen very strongly in e.g. marketing. We will act as the main cs partner of Kanaliiga in seasons 4 and 5, and in the Kanaliiga finals you will see the premiere of our esport-themed advertising video. In addition, we have a slightly bigger prokkis on the desktop at the moment related to this cs gang, which we hope to hear from again. The icing on the cake is that the company flies us and accommodates us in a hotel, so that we get to play in that lan final. Unbelievably cool.

Free speech!

We hope that on Saturday we will be able to show a damn good show to all the viewers. By all means, come to Arkade Bar for physical mesto if you can, the whole event will be really cool! Kudos to Netlight too, keep your heads up. And of course kudos to mom!

P.S. If you're serious about playing CS, you're a global elite faceit lvl 10 and maybe you can program a little, then head to https://www. codemate.com/fi/codematelle-software-designerka/



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