
Autumn PUBG news

Picture coming

Kanaliga PUBG games are approaching again in the calendar and it's time to take a quick look at autumn, what's coming and what's new.

Upcoming tournaments

Autumn kicks off with the PUBG Duo tournament from August 10 to August 27, 2020. Registration for the tournament is still open and there is room for teams in the tournament. So head over to XPUBG and secure your spot in the tournament to challenge reigning Duo champion Jimm's PC Store!

Right after the Duo tournament, the Squad Season 5 tournament starts, which is bigger than ever! In the fourth season's feedback survey, 64% wanted more than seven game days, and the season will have a total of 32 maps over eight game days. The tournament starts with the third division game on August 31. and continues through November 10th, when the Masters Series ends its season. Will we see Elisa's championship again this season or will one of the challengers take the win? Secure your place in the tournament by registering in the XPUBG service!

After the Squad tournament, we take a moment to catch our breath and end the season in a little Christmas spirit with the Duo tournament from November 23rd to December 10th. Registration for the tournament will open later in the fall.

Chicken fight

Kanakahakka, familiar from the CS side of Kanalaiga, will also be seen for the first time on the PUBG side. The cockfighting tournament is organized as a two-day event. On the first day, a four-map Solo tournament will be played. The final results of the Solo tournament determine the teams of the next day's Squad tournament. The Squad tournament is also played as a four-map tournament. The tournament is supposed to be competitive fun among Kanaliiga players.

The teams for the Squad tournament are formed based on the standings of the Solo tournament. The TOP 16 and Bottom 16 players are placed in 16 teams, where the first and 64th players end up on the same team, the second and 63rd players on the same team, etc. The remaining 32 players are drawn into teams.

It can accommodate 64 players. More information and registration will open later in the fall.

Rule changes

The rule book was thoroughly reviewed during the summer. Most of the changes are mostly clarifications of already existing rules or wording corrections, but also a few new rule changes were made to improve the gaming experience offered by Kanaliiga.

It would be good for all players to familiarize themselves with and read through the rule book before the first Kanaliiga games in the fall. You can find the rule book in our Wiki.

Circle settings

In the feedback of the fourth PUBG season, an opinion was asked about the regional settings. 44% of the respondents were in favor of SUPER regions and the remaining 56% were fairly evenly distributed between Kanaliiga's own circles and the PUBG Ranked game mode circles. The organizing team thought about the best solution and concluded that the circles of the PUBG Ranked game mode are the best solution for Kanaliiga. Although the SUPER rules are intended for competitive play, practicing playing with them is reasonably difficult for most of the Kanaliiga players. The Ranked game mode, on the other hand, is available to everyone and thus offers the best platform to practice playing for the Kanaliiga. In the future, the teams can therefore practice piloting and the rhythm of rotations in the Ranked game mode and implement their tactics directly in Kanaliiga games without the required changes.

With the change, the Kanaliiga maps last about a minute less than in previous seasons. The loot phase at the beginning is approx. 30 seconds longer, but the pace tightens towards the middle game from the earlier rules.

Squad Rule #2 Player and Squad Specific Rules

In the future, teams may play one map per game day with two players (rule 2.1.1), if the team knows that a third (or fourth) player will join the teams for the following maps. The rule change is intended to enable teams to join in cases where teammates are a little late for the first map of the game day, e.g. due to an unupdated game or other rushes.

However, the purpose is not to allow Duo teams into Squad tournaments due to the fairness and fairness of the game, so the rule is limited to only one map per team per game day. The team is also not allowed to play the first map with two players, if they know that the other players are not coming to the later maps. Of course, it is impossible to control this, but in this case we hope for honesty from the teams.

The rules also specified loaning players (2.3) and in the future players can also be loaned from other teams of the same league level in the same organization. Teams still need to avoid dependence on loaning players from other teams.

We hope to see as many of you as possible on the battlefields in the fall too!

PUBG Organizers

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