
Chicken League Invitational

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It's happening in Turku and Kanaliiga is of course involved!

At the first ever Aura Quest pelefestar, you will see and experience something unheard of when the first Kanaliiga Invitational tournament sees the light of day. The best of the last CS season and the tough players of the current tournament are coming to this invitational tournament. This time, the stakes are also a bit tougher as €500 has been put into the prize pool.

The tournament games will be played on Sunday 9.6 at. from 10:00 and the final game starts at 16:00. There is sure to be the toughest CS Firmaliiga battle ever seen on stage! So it's worth heading towards the sunny Aurajoki beach and come and smell the atmosphere.

Varamiespalvelut is the partner and enabler of this tournament


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