
Kanaliiga CS #3 regular season MKP players & interview

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The best player in the regular season of each division i.e. MKP (Most Kana Player) is now clear and below are small interviews from each player.

MKT - Lehtu, Polar Squad - Kanarating: 1.90

How does it feel to win the MKP prize of the MKT level series?
- It's great, even if getting to the semis would have been even better! As a little skid, he dreamed of winning something in the CS field and now it has been achieved.

What is the feeling of winning the Ace statistics of the entire Kanaliiga, even though maintenance forbade taking too many Aces? ;)
- Well, this is what we were sent to get right from the start when the challenge was shouted on the captains' channel, that is, I tried to collect as many aces as possible and the rest of the team got to act as cannon fodder ;) Well, no.. Yes, it's also a great honor to receive something like this recognition among such hard players!

What was your role in the team? (igl, awp, support..)
- If a role should be named, probably IGL & AWP, although in some maps like Vertigo, AWP does not play a big role.

If you were to describe your performance during the season with a movie, which movie would it be?
- Terminator would probably be too cliche an answer? Let's say Hot Shots 2? :D

What was your team's strength this season?
- Team spirit was definitely our strength and the fact that we weren't stressed about the results at all. We just had fun and shot heads!

Did the team's game develop during the season?
- Absolutely amazing! Most of our team has not hacked GO before.

And which player do you think improved the most and in which area did you notice?
- Our whole team improved incredibly, it's really hard to name just one player. However, I would say that for the sake of the stats, Tinkki, in the first matches there less than ten frags and now in the semi-finals we already reached 20+

Where does your game nickname come from?
- Traditionally, from the last name. The game Nicki has changed so many times over the years from 1.6 --> CS:GO and they are so embarrassing that there is no point in naming them here now :D

What is your most special or strange skill?
- Probably a DIY attitude towards everything. For example, I built myself a water-cooled wooden desk computer and of course with RGB lights!

Who do you send greetings to?
- Of course you have to send greetings to your wife when this "hobby" is possible! And of course for the whole Polar Squad family! In the next season, we will be in semis prkl

SEMIPRO - Topsu, Vincit - Kanarating: 1.55

How does it feel to win the MKP prize of the Semi-Pro level series?
- Until the end, I was nervous whether I or joelb would end up with a higher rating, but it was really nice that it turned out this way

What was your role in the team? (igl, awp, support..)
- Full time IGL, but I also played awp and entry when the situation called for it. However, they tried to keep me alive to solve the rounds.

If you could describe your performance during the season with a movie, which movie would it be?
- Titanic. With good self-confidence I sailed towards the playoffs, but in the end I still caused the ship to sink

What was your team's strength this season?
- All the players in the team were able to win games when needed, even under heavy pressure

Did the team's game develop during the season?
- In a few matches the game was a bit fumbling, but when a working style of play and maps were found, things started to flow

And which player do you think improved the most and in which area did you notice?
- Shaedar hadn't played much CSGO before, but during the tournament he was able to remember the callouts and especially on the ct side manage to play really good rounds and win a couple of clutch


Where does your game nickname come from?
- Been a nickname since childhood

What is your most special or strange skill?
- I can play the chicken league season without crashing

To whom do you send greetings?
- To colleagues. Especially for those who have participated in chicken league tournaments. I would like more pen games though.

PRO - deksu, Elisa Seinäjoki - Kanarating: 1.33

How does it feel to win the MKP award of the Pro level series?
- It feels good, but the main goal now is to win the entire Kanaliiga. Of course, the wish would have been a rematch in the final against another Elisa team, but now a possible encounter will happen sooner if both make it to the semifinals.

What was your role in the team? (igl, awp, support..)
- IGL, support and every place planer

If you could describe your performance during the season with a movie, which movie would it be?< /strong>
- You can't even make a movie out of that now

What was the strength of your team this season?
-The strength was definitely inferno, we were really into it strong and the tactics worked

Did the team's game develop during the season?
- We must have learned to play with each other better

What about which player do you think improved the most and in which area did you notice?

Where does your game nickname come from?
- No problem, I must have come up with a cool nickname and this one was finally chosen..

What is your most special or strange skill?
- You can't praise yourself, that is, no skills or specialties.

Who do we send greetings to?
- Greetings to our fans!

If you want to view the stats in more detail, you can find them here: https://ebot.warfare.fi/stats/?s=matches

MKP players will be rewarded in the CS season finals at Shelter Gameroom on Saturday 26.10.

Congratulations to all the winners on behalf of Kanaliiga!

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