
Kanaliga PUBG Duo 1/2022

Picture coming

Kanaliiga PUBG Season 8 by Eficode is starting to come without a final round in the package, so now is a really good opportunity to take a look at the future and stop for a moment to think, what would you use those weeknights for in the future? With family? Going out? Eh! Now it's the turn of the Duo tournament! ðŸḈᐐ”

Structure and schedule of the tournament

The duo tournament will be played between 2.5.-19.5. The teams are divided into four groups, which will meet for the second time. So you should choose the block that best suits you and your teammate's schedules! Finally, after the preliminaries are over, the best six teams of each group will meet each other in the final on 19.5..

You can find the exact schedules at the KanaStats service, where you can also register for the tournament. Registration opens 13.4. at 18.

Duo is good entertainment!

PUBG is the funnest entertainment even with two people and duo is a really good low-threshold game format. Now just to find a game partner and see you at the server in May! Previous experience with Kanaliigail is not necessary, all newcomers are very welcome! If you haven't joined yet, we recommend joining the Kanaliga PUBG Discord.

We can still reminisce about the previous Duo tournament for a moment, accompanied by the attached video, let's make the next tournament at least as great a spectacle together! 😎

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