
CS:GO S2 MKT and Semipro finals fought! Check out the atmosphere photos from the place

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Saturday was a big day when the world's first Kanaliiga LAN final was fought at Shelter Gameroom! The most enthusiastic ones came to exercise on the spot around noon, even though the actual games were not played until MKT at 15.00 and Semipro at 18.00. Members of the final teams arrived from near and far, in addition to southern Finland, at least Kuopio, Vaasa and Oulu were also represented.

The teams that played themselves in the final are here:

MKT final eCraft BI vs Efecte Gaming Club

Semipro final eCraft vs Codemate

Both eCraft BI, Efecte and Codematekin have been involved in the Kanaliiga CS scrimmages since the beginning, while eCraft Oy Abn's team was for the first time on the CS side involved in the scrimmages. Commentator legend Teemu "wabbit" Hiilinen and the signatory were on the side of the commentary. You can see the stream on Kanaliiga's Twitch channel here (our upcoming matches are also there, so please follow!)

In the MKT final map draw, eCraft BI chose Inferno and Efecte Mirage. The doll became a decider. After a tight fight, however, it happened that Efecte took eCraft BI straight in two maps and was able to raise the Kanaliiga's rotating trophy to the roof as the first team ever!

Here are the game stats:

Mirage 16-4

Inferno 16-7

Photos of the teams:

MKT series winner Efecte Gaming Club, players from left to right: Santeri "sntr" Lehtonen, Eetu "tsat" Heino, Juuso "Juke|" Sormunen, Mikael "SanSamurai" Inkinen, Aleksi "slayviper" Pitkänen
MKT series second place in eCraft BI, players from left to right: Joni "Urhea Jorgos" Laakso, Markus "naputin" Heinonen, Christian "CrideL" Lindholm, Henri "war bunny" Heino , Simo "Meciel" Sintonen

In Semipro, mapveto followed the same formula as in MKT's finu, as the result was Codemate - inffi, eCraft - Mirage and Overpass as decider. This twist also ended in two maps, when Codemate took Semipro's victory!

Here are the stats:

Inferno 16-4

Mirage 16-7

Photos of the teams:

Semipro level series winner Codemate, players from left to right: Alex "fiA =DD" Lindroos, Juho "BlenderMan" Koski, Jussi-Tapio "kookoo35" Lamminheimo, Aleksi "hlappa" Holappa, Juho "Spjass" Rautio
Semipro level series second place for eCraft Oy Abl, players from left to right: Jonas "cawa" Mäkinen, Petri "Maa9n" Maaninen, Markus "Makkeâ„¢" Talka, Antti "HALU Määttänen, Juho "jjjuho" Röyhy

After the matches, we continued to the nearby Codemate office, where the evening continued enjoying good company. Kanaliiga would like to thank everyone who was there, both the spectators and the teams, as well as those of you who participated remotely! Special thanks also to Shelter for the great space, to Hiilinen Teemu for the quality report (and quality tips :D) and to Codemate for offering an extension!

Since it was really the first LAN event where Kanaliiga was the organizing body, it was no surprise that we sometimes experienced both technical and other challenges here and there. We are now learning from this and next time we can expect an even better LAN finu! We welcome feedback in our Discord.

The Pro final will be online this time, and the date is being feverishly agreed upon. It is also worth noting that the next Kanaliiga CS Season starts in a week! Registration is open until August 16, so there are still a few days left to collect your poppoo and come to the games! Registration here: https://www.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/2679586745217548288/information

And then, finally, we'll serve up the final feeling of diving on Saturday with the following footage :)

Continuations with Codemate
Continuations with Codemate
Continuations with Codemate
Continuations of sequels in the market
On the market
On the market


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