
The CS:GO final next weekend and a return to the final atmosphere of the previous season

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CS:GO Season 10 Masters winning team The Switch had reason to cheer

This season, Futur1ce, who came second in the Challengers last season, and Mehiläinen Bee Rush, who played in the Masters last season, will meet in the Masters final. Reigning champion The Switch was eliminated from season 11.

Even before the end of the season, we will return to the final atmosphere of the previous season through the feelings after the victory of the Season 10 tournament MVP NikoNako.

10. The season was The Switch's first in the Kanaliiga: "We had intended to participate in the 9th season, but it just passed." The team was put together when manufacturing engineer NikoNako got a job at The Switch, where he already had a familiar gamer, Olavi. Fortunately, the team had time to sign up for season 10, because the end result was a great win straight from the Masters. The team also had the support of their own company in the form of sponsorship: "I hope to get more sponsorship from the company for the coming season."

The victory at the Masters came with a relaxed game without trying hard: "Myö is not really trained. From the beginning of the season, we covered only the basics and then 1-2 Faceit games before the league match, nothing more. We wanted to have fun and play! It works out really well."

There are about 150 employees at The Switch, and cheerleaders were also present. The fans arrived the day before from Lappeenranta to Helsinki and celebrated the victory beforehand. The fans, i.e. a few employees of The Switch, were so sure of The Switch's victory: "We are all a big family and we are all so united in this matter", commented one of the fans.

NikoNako estimates that there would have been two teams from The Switch for season 11: "Kyl mie, I bet this will inspire the crowd. We have quite a few people come to discuss CS at the workplace. Yes, it has caused enthusiasm. Even now, we had eight guys on the team when we started the regular season. We only took all the best to the playoffs." However, it was the other way around, as The Switch was not seen playing in season 11 as the players' other hobbies took away the victory. However, NikoNako hints at a possible return to Kanaliiga. Time will tell how it goes.

However, the team planned to celebrate its 10th win of the season with at least one beer: "If there's another, we'll take another". The story does not tell how the evening went. So how will it be this year in the finals of Season 11, who will win and how will the winners celebrate. Welcome to the Trap Factory in Espoo on Saturday 13 May 2023 from 12 noon. More detailed schedule here.


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