
Help Wanted!

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Kanaliiga's operations continue to grow steadily and new games are added all the time, and even in the old games, series are growing. In addition to this, there will be many new things during this year, such as Lans, CS finals in Assy, etc. Well, now that there is a lot of work with this, there would be a need for at least one person assisting in CS tournaments and one person assisting in PUBG tournaments. Our YouTube would also need a guy who would take care of it

You don't need experience for these jobs, it's the attitude that counts and the rest of us will be supported and told what we know. Kanaliiga's maintenance functions very self-directed and there is an active discussion on Kanaliiga's issues in Discord. This means that if you have the time and desire, you can do more, and then when there are other things, you can do a little less of these patterns. Here you can join the key places to see how Kanaliiga is developing even better into an entity that serves a slightly older player base.

If you are interested, of course jump to Discord and raise your hand in the air. Yes, and shaking doesn't mean that you can't also be playing :)

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