
iRacing is coming

Picture coming

Have you always wanted to be the Räikkönen of your own life? Gasoline in your veins and all?

Well, now the simulator competition is also coming to the Kanaliiga, so dig out that Christmas gift wheel from your daughter's/son's closet and start shaking because we're about to go. The goal is to organize a series where both newcomers and those who have ridden more will enjoy themselves. You need a steering wheel and pedals and a computer you can use to play. This is our first simulator competition and we would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on our Discord at https://discord.gg/nhrNC9x< /a>

The series is played with the well-known iRacing simulator, which can be downloaded at https://www.iracing.com/ . The game is charged per month and the price depends on how long you subscribe to. The series is designed so that during the 3-month trial period there is plenty of time to train before the competitions. At the time of writing the article, a 3-month period costs about $20 for a first-time subscriber. Discount codes are also available online, with which the first subscriber can get a 3-month period even cheaper. The series uses cars and tracks that are part of the basic subscription, so there are no other costs from the game side.

The car used in the races is a Mazda MX 5, which is familiar to almost all iRacing drivers because many of them start with this car. In iRacing itself, there are very good races available and we highly recommend driving in these as they serve as a good practice for this series. You don't have to worry about the car's settings because the series is so-called "Fixed series", i.e. the car cannot be adjusted but is the same for everyone.


A maximum of 20 teams are accepted into the series. Each team has two drivers from the same company. If there is room in the series, mixed teams are allowed and in that case the organizer will form the teams from individual drivers so that the iRating between the mixed teams is as close as possible.


There are 2 competition nights in the series. Each evening, there are two race starts on one track. Both drivers of the team drive their own cars. The winner of the competition is the team that has collected the most points. Before the actual competition evenings, one practice competition is organized.

Based on the time trial, the participants are divided into three splits. During the competition day, there are no ups or downs between splits.

Positions 1-20 :Split 1

Positions 21-40: Split 2

Positions 41-60: Split 3

Competition dates

Training competition 1 : 19.10 - Lime Rock Park - Classic Layout

Training competition 2 : 26.10 - Lime Rock Park - Classic Layout

Race 1: 2.11 Lime Rock Park - Classic Layout

Race 2 : 16.11 Summit point

Point calculation
Structure of the competition day

Time trials: 16:00 - 20:00 (8 laps max per driver)

Rehearsals: 20:50-21:00

Race 1: 21:00-21:20

Race 2: 21:30-21:50


Fisra rules are used where applicable https://cloud.simracing.fi/s /ftfMamfXKFtPFoe


Are you interested in laundry? Come to Discord to talk about it or send a message info äääät kanaliiga.fi





It splashes when plastering and although we hope that everyone drives nicely, it sometimes rattles,

Competitors have the right to make a protest about the situation and this protest will be dealt with by the jury after the competition day. The protest is made from the Kanaliiga Discord #open_servicerequest channel. The protest must be accompanied by a replay file that has been cut to contain the protested situation. The jury will process the protest and determine a possible punishment.

Penalties are

  • Warning
  • 5 sec time penalty
  • 10sec time penalty
  • non-competition
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