
4 days until CS Season #4 Finals! Introducing Certego

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The Kanaliiga CS Season #4 finals will be played on March 7. At Arkade Bar, Helsinki Kamppi! In the finals, a total of four diamond-hard gangs will be seen in two series, whose captains were interviewed by Kanaliiga's new communications manager Heikki "heizzah" Haahkala. Today it's Certego's captain quisma, who plays in the Masters series.

Tell me in your own words who you are

We are Certego's rock hard CS line, made up of coworkers. At work, we, as the leading supplier of security solutions in the Nordic countries, enable the locking and security needs of our customers, while at work we deliver souvenirs and put the tricks on the carpet, i.e. press the first button.

Is this your first Kanaliiga season? If not, how many seasons have you played?

This is our third CS season.

How would you describe the skill level of your team?

A difficult question to answer. The level is good, but you can never be too good. You can find potential in anything!

How are the roles divided in your team?

Pretty clearly everyone knows what to do, there's no need to immerse yourself in those roles. Because everyone listens when the calls are made.

What do you think are your biggest strengths with the finals in mind?

Can't reveal, let's just say: Leveeks.

Is the opposing team nervous? What would you guess the outcome would be?

It's not that exciting, we know that Elisa is tough, but they haven't run over us before.

Have you thought about future plans? Will you continue for the next season? Will there be player changes?

Yes, we are messis in the first season too. I don't think we will make any changes, but rather it would be cool to see another Certego gang with us.

Are there teams/players from your company in other Kanaliiga games? If so, from where? Are there any coming?

Pubg has been played almost throughout Kanaliiga. Pubg is played by a few people who don't play pen, but yes, our CS team also goes there to play.

How has esport corporate league activity been received in your company? Has it aroused interest, questions or other activity?

It has been well received, the marketing side has fully engaged. Of course, not everyone understands esports or games in general, but in my opinion, it's been amazing to notice that even senior employees notice our games and come to ask how we're doing. There have also been a number of inquiries from different offices of the company asking "can we join in?". Let's try our best to get more Certegoans to fight.

Free speech

It has been cool to be at the fair and watch how Kanaliiga has grown. A really big hand to all the organizers who do this completely out of their own passion towards the scene. Let's hope that the trend will not continue for a long time! quisma out.


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